CoderDojo International
Create your own Android app with App Inventor!
CoderDojo International
Learn how to write websites in PHP.
CoderDojo International
CoderDojo Toronto
Create your own stopwatch with LED display using the Arduino programable circuit board.
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn how to start up your JavaScript project and use variables.
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn prompts and control-flow in JavaScript.
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn arrays and loops in JavaScript.
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn functions and objects in JavaScript.
CoderDojo Toronto
Move your mouse through the maze to get the cheese. Don't get caught by that cat!
CoderDojo Toronto
Build a target shooting game in Scratch.
CoderDojo Toronto
Race your car around the track. Try making a two-player game!
CoderDojo Toronto
Make a basic game in Scratch. Grab the cake and avoid the baddies!
CoderDojo Toronto
Can you land your moon lander spafely?
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn how to build a legal Raspberry Pi game emulator.
CoderDojo Toronto
Can you solve all the puzzles and escape the room?
CoderDojo Toronto
Build your very own soundboard web application in JavaScript!
CoderDojo Toronto
Learn to use Arduino: the programable curcuit board that makes anything possible.
MIT App Inventor
Fling, Flang, Flung? Whatever you call it, bouncing the ball around the screen is pure fun.
MIT App Inventor
Who needs paper? Doodle all day on your phone's screen.
MIT App Inventor
Get started creating Android apps by making Codi the Bee buzz when touched!
MIT App Inventor
Text to Speech is surprisingly fun. Find out for yourself with this starter app that talks.
MIT App Inventor
Part two of creating your first text-to-speech Android app.
MIT App Inventor
Programming Basics
Learn how to create graphics and animations for your website.
Programming Basics
Raspberry Pi Projects
Code your first website using the online Trinket editor.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Take your website design skills further with CSS style and animations.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Complete your website with cool layouts and profession effects.
Raspberry Pi Projects
In this project you’ll be making a platform-style game to which you can later add your own levels, powers, and characters.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Create your first "Scratch 3.0 for Social Innovation" game.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Create interactive fairy tales and other stories with basic Python.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Write code to draw snowflakes with Python Turtle.
Raspberry Pi Projects
In this resource you will take your first steps with the programming language Python to draw shapes, patterns, and spirals.
Raspberry Pi Projects
Make an interactive water usage calculator to make people think about how much water they use.
Raspberry Pi Projects